30 Year Sentence for Teenager Who Confessed to Shooting Zebuhr
Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
Rochelle Olson • 612-673-1747 • raolson@startribune.com
A year ago, Billy Rae Deshawn Johnson, then 17, pulled the trigger on the gun that killed 25-year-old Michael Zebuhr, who had just finished dining at an Uptown restaurant with his mother, sister and her boyfriend. The killing shook Minneapolis because of the random nature of the crime in a normally safe neighborhood.
On Thursday, Johnson placed both hands on the defense table, hung his head, lifted his eyes to Zebuhr's mother across the room and said in barely discernible words: "I apologize for the loss of your son. ... I hope you will forgive me for what happened to your son."
Hennepin County District Judge Francis Connolly sentenced Johnson, now 18, to 30 years in prison with the possibility of parole after 20 years. Johnson pleaded guilty a month ago to second-degree murder. He had been charged with first-degree murder, but the charge was reduced in exchange for his guilty plea.
Johnson's grandmother, Gloria Johnson, spoke to reporters after the sentencing as she pushed her walker with tears in her eyes. "He was my grandson and I raised him. He told me from Day One he didn't kill anyone," she said. "In my heart he didn't shoot anyone, but in my heart he was there."
Rochelle Olson • 612-673-1747 • raolson@startribune.com
The part about what his Grandma says is interesting that he told her from day one he didn't shoot.
Someone should interview this guy in prison and see what he has to say.
Everything I have read so far about this does not ring true.
I still have much to read on this site, but as I understand it, Michael performed a scientific experiment which was documented and perhaps published that showed that aluminum burns at the same color as other metals as at the same temperature. Dr. Steven Jones' assertion that the "molten metal" pouring from one of the towers was aluminum seems to imply that it was "the plane", the aluminum plane, that was pouring out.
Anyway, this could indicate "the government" did not like anyone debunking Dr. Jones' work and this is the example case they made of this poor victim. "Go along with Dr. Jones' ideas or this will happen to you."
If I do not understand this situation correctly, I would appreciate being enlightened. I realize I may not understand correctly the possible nature of this crime.
Nice job on documenting all this, Spooked.
I post mostly on shoes4industry.blogspot.com, where I recently have been frothing at the mouth over the 6 (out of 11) women "Democratic" senators who voted yes the FISA garbage last week.
I highlighted one of these -- the newly elected Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobucher -- as somebody who may be a good person, but who also may be under some kind of threat from the regime to cast such treasonous votes.
I alluded to the shady and questionable plane crash of another senator from Minnesota, Senator Wellstone, and I also mentioned that the recent bridge collapse in Minneapolis may not be such a big accident, as many probably suspect.
Anyway, I was just revisiting this site and going over some of the details of Michael Zebuhr's death -- in Minneapolis -- and I was shocked to discover (or rediscover, as the name meant nothing to me the last time I was here) that "Hennepin County District Attorney Amy Klobuchar" was mentioned several times as apparently being in charge of this case at the time of the murder, and was obviously giving out very questionable information.
She is definitely up to her neck in it, isn't she? Here she is covering up something about this murder, and six months later she is a US Senator who is ranked #49 in the Democratic Party power ranking.
The question is, what is "it," and is she an innocent trying to do her best under treacherous circumstances, or is she a bad egg?
September 21st would have been Michael's 28th birthday. Friday September 11th is the anniversary of the greatest tragedy of our century, so far. In honor of his life I will start Michael Zebuhr's Almanac of metaphysical musings. Michael was kind of a metaphysical guy. Maybe more physics than 'meta', but I am sure he had some 'meta' there, too. I believe he got his love of physics from both his parents, but I believe he got the 'meta' from his mom. Anyway, I remember his first interest in the 9/11 stuff. He was so excited - it reminded me of the zeal I had for the Jehovah's Witnesses religion in my 20's. I can see now how my parents must have felt.
Personally, I don't subscribe to what he believed, but I patiently watched the video he sent me. It reminded me of the shows on the History channel about ghosts, crop circles, aliens and such. I can see how he was interested in this - because it was explained from a physics perspective.
I really miss Michael, he was such a wonderful person. Why do the great die (too soon) young?
google: Quadri-Track ZCT
Of course grandma says her little dindonufin...dindonufin.
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